Come Gather With Us
Sundays @ 10 am
Our Sunday morning service begins at
10 am and goes for approximately one hour.

Our Mission

Throughout every season and phase of life on earth, we are called to deepen our faith, resulting in a lifelong journey of growth.

Our grateful acceptance of what Christ has done for us prompts us to live out our faith and reflect God’s love for us, each and every day.

Making Him Known...
By living out our faith, we are making Christ known to those around us….not just by our words, but by our actions and reactions.
Profession of Faith:
Thinking about making Profession of Faith? Perhaps you have reached a point in your spiritual journey where you feel God calling you to publicly profess your faith in Christ and become a professing member in His church. If you are interested in working through an understanding of what this means, you are invited to contact Pastor Kevin to find out what steps you can take in this incredible journey.
Become a Member
If you or your family have been attending Haven for a while now and want to become official member? We'd love to invite you to a new members dinner to learn more about Haven and begin the process of welcoming you as members.
Church Community Builder
Welcome to our Haven online community! CCB is an online church directory for Haven members. By logging into your own protected profile you can: connect with leaders, check out groups, create your own unique calendar of Haven Church events, receive requested notifications, sign up to serve, give online, even privately review your own giving statement and much more.
Unfortunately, non-members will not be allowed access to protect the information within the database. We can allow “limited access users” for people who are guests but not necessarily actively involved in our church. These users will only see their own profile, and only the group(s) they are involved in. For example, a child that attends our youth group will be allowed limited access if he/she attends regularly, as will their parents to ensure they are on our communication lists for activity announcements. Any persons requesting limited access will be on a case by case basis and approved by the ministry leader of the group. We apologize, but all others will not be allowed access unless members of Haven. If you have any questions about this database please email Sally Rietema.